• Available Now!

    Dire Multiverse Card Decks

    These limited-edition, enhanced beauties are made even better by the Kickstarter stretch goals we met. For a limited time, for as long as they remain in stock, we are offering an enhanced version of the decks with gold metallic ink on the cards and gold foil on the boxes. They're epic. Get yours while they last.

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    Dire Multiverse Card Decks
  • We're Games Omniverse

    We're a passionate indie game company doing multimedia storytelling. We're intent on brightening lives with entertainment products that build friendships and create memories. We're based in the beautiful Seattle area, and we work remotely with teammates all over the United States and Europe.

  • We are artists, game designers, and storytellers. We are creators who just want to add something fun and beautiful to the world, together.

  • We believe in sharing our hard-earned knowledge freely with others, to pay it forward for all the help and instruction we've received. We're making a vlog called "Indie Trenches" with this in mind. Sign up for our newsletter to hear when it's ready for you to watch.

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  • Feel free to contact us with questions, and please do sign up for our monthly newsletter for notice of contests, events, and upcoming releases.

    Contact us. Sign up for the monthly newsletter.

We’re more than just an indie video game design team, we do multimedia storytelling. Not only are we making story-driven video games, we’re also telling a dire multiverse of stories through fiction, a podcast, a tabletop roleplaying game (RPG), and even a tarot deck. These are all works in progress, so sign up for the newsletter to stay abreast of our news.

Stranger Than Fiction

Hey there! Hope every 1 enjoys these stranger than fiction videos I found! I just did a major overhaul on the Games Omniverse website, and it looks pretty good if I do say so myself. Looking forward to hanging with the family over the holidays. Not that I never see them. they’re just across town. […]

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Parallel Universes

Hey everyone! It’s me, Ohmega! Sooo, I’ve been reading Kurt Vonnegut’s “Slaughterhouse Five.” Interesting take on what happens to people after being in combat. There’s one character in the story who’s convinced he’s experiencing slippages in time. Which got me to thinking about stuff. You know, Albert Einstein said time’s not linear at all. Science […]

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Strange News Reports from Ohmega

Hey everyone! I’m taking a break from a crazy semester of school to share something super cool. I think you’ll find it as interesting as I do. In fact, maybe you already heard about it. In any case, I’m taking a class on indigenous cultures of the Pacific North West, and while researching, I found this news story, and it has experts baffled. You know how I find this sort of stuff interesting. Unknown, unsolved, and unusual happenings. They’re all around, after all. Anyway, I thought it was really neat finding this and had to share.

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Something to Think On!

Hey there! It’s Ohmega, and I’ve something interesting to share. See, I have this theory. I think there are parallel worlds, and guess what? I’m not alone in my thoughts. Really, alternative dimensions explain so many of our mysteries. Like, unexplained disappearances and stuff like that could be someone falling through a rift. There are […]

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