Alana Siebert, Illustrator

Hi all! I’m Alana, and I’ve recently joined up with Games Omniverse!

I’m a 28 year old artist, writer, and all-around nerd currently located in San Antonio. I was born and raised in Chicago, though, and I’ll always be a Chicago girl at heart. I’ve been gaming since I was old enough to hold a controller (literally—my parents got an NES for Christmas just before I turned three, and my earliest memories include playing Dragon Warrior with my dad), and have loved it since. Video games led me to role-playing when I was in middle school, and both I still love to play to this day.

My specialty, so to speak, with art is design—graphic design, to be specific! I started playing with Photoshop back in my sophomore year of high school, took a design class that taught Illustrator, and decided that yup, this was me. It was what I loved and wanted to do. I love to draw and paint, but for me…there’s just something about a really well-designed piece.

But that’s not all I do! I blog about games and occasionally other things as well as playing games, and I do a whole host of other things. I’m one of those people who just loves to create! I knit and crochet (yarn is taking over my apartment), cook and bake (both of which I LOVE experimenting with), and I used to cosplay as well.

I’m a huge bookworm. I love books. I love reading. I love the written word. Having to pare my book collection down to what could fit in three boxes when I moved was heartbreaking (I left behind three-quarters of my collection!). Physical book or ebook…I don’t care. I love books. My favorites tend to lean towards young adult fantasy, but there’s a bit of everything on my shelves, and everything I own has been read many, many times.

And that’s me!

Website: Under The Pale Tree
Twitter: @LadyVerene

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