Alison McKenzie, Designer / Writer
I’m Alison J. McKenzie, and I’m a jack-of-all-trades.
I’m a writer. I write horror, fantasy, science fiction, video game text, web copy, tabletop RPG module content, and occasionally, when I’m feeling particularly sentimental, I spit out a poem or two.
I’m a programmer. I went to school for it. Math, too. I left grad school at Digipen early to be a writer for ArenaNet.
I’m a game designer. I’ve built mini-games for various projects. Currently, much of the mechanics direction of Games Omniverse is on my plate.
I’m an artist. Professional? No, but I care about it, and I have devoted time and am still devoting time to learning technique.
I also organize, supervise, document, standardize, and multitask. I play video games, board games, tabletop roleplaying games, Magic: the Gathering, and Warhammer 40k. I have too many hobbies.
Follow me at @alisonjmckenzie
Some of Alison’s favorite music: