Book Rec for Indie Game Teams

The Book : #AskGaryVee: One Entrepreneur’s Take On Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness

If you’re an indie game team leader or member with big dreams of indie success, read this highly praised book. If you read only one book this year, read this book.

Gary Vaynerchuk is an entrepreneur of the scrappiest kind. He is so smart and has tons of experience making a business work in today’s world. This book is a question and answer session, where his followers ask the questions, and he answers them. So the topics come straight out of the mind of striving entrepreneurs. It covered all the topics I’ve been learning about over the past five years as the CEO of a hustling indie team. If your questions about entrepreneurship, marketing, leadership, and how to be successful are not answered by this book, then you’re on the wrong path.

For me, this book was deeply satisfying because it validated some of the choices I’ve made. It also pointed out where I’ve been faltering. That is a gift! If you’re a self-aware entrepreneur, then you will see what I mean.

Books on game design are great, but if you’re leading an indie team or even developing your own games all by yourself, then you need some business savvy and the right attitude if you’re going to make it work. You’ll get a good taste of what it takes from GaryVee.

You may not realize it, but you’re an entrepreneur.

Why Audiobooks

I read audiobooks all the time, and I try to alternate between educational and entertaining titles. I can read while I’m doing my daily chores around the house and it serves three awesome purposes:

  1. I learn something and am entertained.
  2. I don’t notice how much I hate the chores.
  3. With earbuds in, I get the feeling I’m in my own little universe, which is very comforting to me and increases my productivity.

Give this a listen in audio. Hearing it read in Gary’s engaging, friendly, high-energy voice makes it an even better experience. I plan to reread this one multiple times!

Let me know what you think of it on our Facebook page: Let’s discuss!


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