Elan Stimmel, Writer


My name is Elan, and I am fond of caps lock. I also like writing, reading, gaming, and arting. I have a cat, who’s a pretty cool fella, and I love eating gluten-free dinosaur cookies. That’s all the important stuff, but in case you’re just begging for more, okay.

I graduated with a degree in Creative Writing, because I love making stories and worlds and sharing them with people. I’m currently working at ArenaNet as a writer, which is super awesome, because it combines my love of writing and video games into one big happypalooza. In my free time, I work on my personal writing projects, and with Games Omniverse to make the most radically excellent game ever, dude. I also eat food. Because I really like food.

In fact, I’m making dinosaur-shaped cookies right now. But the batter is all warm, so they’re coming out less like dinosaurs, and more like fat monsters. I guess I could have prevented this if I’d put the batter in the fridge instead of eating it. But, too bad. I’m eating it. So. This is all important information about myself, obviously.

What? That’s not enough for you? You need to know MORE? Sheesh, fine. I’ll tell some of my favorite things. But they’ll have to be in list form, because then I can type faster with one hand while the other is shoveling cookie dough into my mouth.

Video game: Silent Hill 2
Color: Green, turquoise, and blurple
Food: (nom nom nom)
Book: Enjoying the Song of Ice and Fire series right now
Anime: Slayers
Manga: Pet Shop of Horrors
TV Show: That one with the girl who took shit from no one. So, like, a lot of Joss Whedon shows.
Movie: David Bowie’s Crotch. I mean, the Labyrinth.
Animal: Cheetah
Dead animal: Raptor!
Person: David Bowie
Dead person: Zombie David Bowie
Singer: Bette Midler. HAHAHA, nope. Though she was pretty fabulous in Hocus Pocus.
Pokemon: Mewtwo
Comedian: Eddie Izzard
Candle: I don’t like candles
Peeta or Gale: Get out
Edward or Jacob: STFU and get out
Spike or Angel: Ugh
Darcy or Wickham: UUGGHH
Westley or Prince Humperdink: HAH. Okay, this one’s funny.

Aaand I’m out of cookie dough. I hope you learned something about me today. Yeah. HERE ARE SOME PRETTY SOUNDS! One’s full of pretty voices, and the other, pretty noises. Enjoy these things maybe. Bye.

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