Josh Lilly, Programming Co-Lead
Hello. I’m Josh and I am a programmer/developer for the team here at Games Omniverse. I reside in a tiny little town in Illinois with my amazing family, who inspire me daily. I have a B.S. in Game Programming which is why I’m here: to create.
Video games have always seemed to play a part of my life. From my early beginnings playing Atari and going to arcades with my Mom and Dad (THANK YOU!), all the way up until now with new consoles and PC gaming, I have so many great memories and now get to make new ones playing with my own children. At an early age I knew I wanted to create games, but the problem leading up until now was how.
The internet is a crazy place and connecting with people from anywhere is possible. I say this because of a friend I met was kind enough to pass my name to the main boss in charge, Angel. Now, Angel, she was especially kind and said “Yeah, I guess that guy will do” and so I jumped on board.
Angel, I owe you everything for this opportunity, thank you. On that note, I am extremely thankful to be a part of such a talented team and look forward to the experience/memories to come.