Ohmega, Webminister
Hey! I’m Ohmega, full time web-whisperer, fuller time gamer geek. I rock at HOGs and can figure out pretty much any puzzle once I put my mind to it. Guess that’s why the good folks at Games Omniverse hired me on. I love it! Wait ‘til you see the upcoming project. It is beyond cool. #HYPU
I studied psychology, which made me a good listener- or so everyone always tells me. I liked being in school. Campus life was much more lively than my home existence, but I don’t like partying much. Not a drinker, y’know? I like my mind sharp. Not much you can do with a bachelor’s in Psych, though. So…I’m a webminister. Not complaining.
I’m a Libra from an island in the Puget Sound, which is to say I live for balance and am often bored out of my mind. There’s not much to do in Podunk, Washington, unless you’re into church or fish markets. My folks are. I’m not.
I’ve got two kid sisters. They are in Middle and High School, and they’re pretty cool. They live with my folks still, though I moved out years ago. I also have a dog named Peanut that I rescued from a dumpster. I’ve had him forever, and although he’s not a perfect pooch, I don’t understand why someone could do that to another being. I mean, really. He was so skinny when I found him that the vet thought he’d die. I thought about joining the ASPCA police to protect pets from evil people like that, but turns out people need protection from evil too. More on that later.
I’m into singing. I used to sing in the church choir. Seriously. Robes and all. That was a long time ago, though, and now the only singing I do is in the shower. Bet my roommate loves my nightly serenades! Haha! I jog a little, sorta. I just stupidly signed up for a charity 5K, so I’ll have to train a bit more intensely I guess. I like reading paranormal romances. Hokey, I know, but hey, just another guilty pleasure, right?
In any case, what you think is what you get. Rock on.