Pete Lutz, Voice Actor

Pete Lutz plays Grady Dire on the Dire Multiverse audio drama.
Pete Lutz has been a fan of audio drama since childhood, when his parents bought an LP of the historic “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast and he wore it out with listening. He long had a dream of creating and performing in his own audio plays, and thanks to modern technology and podcasting, he started doing so in 2013.
His “Pulp-Pourri Theatre” series and “Jake Dimes, Range Detective” Western serial have won numerous awards for writing, production and performances.
He is currently several episodes into his new series, “The Cellar”, an anthology of horror and suspense.
In addition to producing his own shows, and occasionally appearing in them, Pete often lends his voice to other producers’ dramas. To date, he has provided character voices to more than 100 audio dramas for other companies. One of those is, of course, the one you hear in this series.
Pete lives in Texas with his lovely wife, their slightly weird son, and their three excellent felines. Find his work at


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